Thursday, February 13, 2014

Weekly Film Review: "Carrie" (2013) - Comm460

Naturally, like all single college girls do on Valentine’s Day eve, my roommates and I decided to bake and watch a horror film. Our film of choice tonight was “Carrie”, which I suggested since I saw it when it came out this past fall and absolutely loved it! However, I may be biased since I’m sucker for both Chloe Grace Moretz (who plays Carrie), and horror films, so the combination for me is unbeatable. Sidebar, one of the main characters of the film is Gabriella Wilde, who plays Sue Snell in “Carrie”, and is also the gorgeous blonde who you’ll recognize from the generous amount of commercials surrounding the Valentine blockbuster that is being released tomorrow, “Endless Love”. So there is our Valentine’s link, which makes me feel justified in sitting around watching a bloody horror film with my girls in honor of the holiday of love.

Back to “Carrie”, for me this film set the perfect standard for which all horror films should adhere to. First of all, for those who didn’t already know, this film is based on the Stephen King novel, and is also a remake of the infamous “Carrie” from 1976, starring the talented Sissy Spacek. Forewarning, if you are interested in seeing the original film I would suggest watching it before seeing the new “Carrie”, because if not you’ll be majorly disappointed. Believe me, I made that mistake. I was so pumped about how good the new film was that I wanted to learn about all things Carrie, so obviously I turned to the original film, but let me tell you, it has NOTHING on the 2013 version. The special effects for the new film will blow you away; to me they were flawless.

I should probably tell you what the film is actually about for those who know nothing about the Carrie “phenomenon”. Carrie is a shy high school girl who has lead an extremely sheltered life until the state orders that her mom quite home-schooling her and place her into the public education system. Her upbringing is attributed to her insanely religious mother who has completely misinterpreted all and any teachings of the Bible. This deep religious focus makes Carrie an outcast at school and she is ridiculed by the bitchy, caddy, and moral-lacking “popular girls”. Eventually the bitches push Carrie too far and she breaks all hell loose on her senior prom by using her newly perfected telekinetic powers. This film creates a perfect combination of fear, aggression, “witch craft”, sympathy, and suspension. I strongly suggest all horror junkies to experience “Carrie”!  

Here's the semi-homemade cookie cake I made for my roomies (that we devoured).
Recipe: pre-packaged peanut butter cookie dough, mini M&M's, semi-sweet chocolate chips. Baked in a heart-shaped cake pan at 350 degrees and topped with petal pink Bettie Crocker tube icing. DELISH 

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