Thursday, February 13, 2014

Visual Social Media: Show, Don't Tell

Social media has become increasingly visually based over the past few years. Platforms like Instagram, Vine, and Pinterst have proved that our society is largely drawn in by graphics and video, which my professor refers to as “snackable content.” 
More than ever before, our culture today is trying to do as much as possible in one single day. Visual social media and infographics are easy on the mind, which has made obtaining information and entertainment easier and more convenient. By creating a posting and sharing environment that saves people the time and the effort of reading (lazy, but true), it helps the modern busy-body to accomplish everything they need to do in one day. 
From a business standpoint, image is everything. Since consumers are so engaged in the visual, and thusly more likely to share, tweet, or post visual content, marketers take full advantage of this. Jay Baer (@jaybaer), marketing consultant and author of New York Times best selling book Youtility, proclaimed, “The goal of social media is to turn customers into a volunteer marketing army.” I couldn’t agree with this statement more. I think of that statement in terms of my personal use of social media. My Pinterst account is basically a marketers dream; I have over 3,000 pins and the majority of them in some way help to either promote television shows and clothing stores or create traffic for certain websites when people are interested in my pins. The people I follow on Pinterest are constantly posting gorgeous images of the new Nike tennis shoes which causes me to head to the Nike website and check out the prices, it’s a problem. Visual social media use creates a constant interest in products, which has proven to be a wonderful tool for businesses.

This infograph says it all, however slightly outdated, it proves that the drawl for visual content is increasing everyday.

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