Thursday, February 6, 2014

Who Who HootSuite Comm460

The social media class that I am currently taking has been the most informative class I have taken in my four years at college and for the first time  I can honestly say I actually look forward to going to it. Not to mention it has been the only course I have taken that I feel actually provides you with practical and useful knowledge for making a name for yourself in the career world post graduation. On the first day of class we were introduced to something called HootSuite, which, at the time, I had no idea what t was. Our professor informed us that by the end of the semester we would be "HootSuite certified" and that putting that on our resumes would be impressive, so I took her word for it. At first I just imagined that it was some new social media platform that I hadn't heard of yet, but when she said "certified" I knew it had to be much more than that, and it was!

It actually wasn't until last night (I know I know like 4 weeks into the semester) that I finally got on and started looking around. I was LOST. I had no idea what HootSuite was all about and I found the website to be terribly confusing. So my natural next step was to "Pinterest" (the verb I use to describe the act of searching something on Pinterest.. like googling) it to see what it is all about. It has to be said that if you're in search of anything; inspiration, a tattoo idea, fashion, recipes, business and technology advancements, you name it, its on Pinterest! Some people say that Pinterest is dead but I couldn't agree less!

Enough about Pinterest (can you tell I'm obsessed?). From my findings on HootSuite I learned that it is actually a wonderful business tool used to manage an social media platforms all in one place. However HootSuite cannot manage just any social media platforms, the ones it can link are Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Mixi, Google+, and WordPress. The type of people to benefit most from this tool are bloggers, small businesses, larger businesses, and potentially a really busy individual who is involved with social media. I am still learning how to maneuver the website and get as much out of it as possible, but I am looking forward to becoming certified and knowing how to help future employers get started with HootSuite as well as manage their platforms.

As I get more involved with this great tool throughout the semester I will be sure to post updates and hopefully tips!

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