Sunday, February 9, 2014

Will Television Be "Displaced"? -Comm303

For me, I believe that the communication technology medium of television will never die out. We will always be interested in watching shows and movies in our homes as a form of entertainment. TV has been a major part of American culture since the golden era of television in the 1950’s. It is embedded in our culture and is a way for families to spend time together, for people to relax, for people to escape the stresses of daily life, as well as a way for people to keep up to date on the news. Americans also love to discuss their television shows with friends and TV has become majorly incorporated into conversation on social media platforms. 

One theory that we have discussed in class that I think can be applied to a discussion about television and its future is the displacement theory. This theory states that the amount of time we have plays a major part in our involvement in communication technology and that our participation in one type of technology takes away from our time with another. This can be applied to TV because I believe that some people may predict that as newer communication technologies come along they may take time away for people to watch TV. However I will argue that TV’s future will always exist but will change and evolve with new technologies that are created that will change the way we view television. In my opinion, no matter what new technologies come along, TV will always be a constant, and nothing can replace the basic concept of it. 

However I predict that in the future, the way we watch TV will change and in some ways already has. A few that have already come along are Netflix, Apple TV, and other forms of Internet viewing of TV shows, like Hulu. I hope that my predictions become truth because I cannot imagine an American culture that doesn’t somewhat involve the shows and movies that are created for television.

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