Saturday, January 25, 2014

#Freberg13 meets #Freberg14

Yesterday in communications 460 (my social media class) we had the pleasure of meeting some students who had taken the course before us. Their visit inspired me to improve all of the social media sites that I have accounts with and to be different!
The four girls gave us so many great tips for staying ahead of the game. Jessica Bledsoe (@J3ssBecause on Twitter) is now the co-owner of River City Networks ( ) and self-proclaimed "Social Media Goddess". Judging by her professional & knowledgable demeanor she definitely has the know-how to back that claim up. I was inspired to hear that so much of her knowledge on the topic of social media she learned from our influential professor Karen Freberg.
The other three women had just as much to show for their hard work in the field of social media. Rachel Cleary (@_TheRachel_) currently interns at 102.3 the Max and Louisville Magazine. Diana Riesenberg (@Di_Berggg) had great advice for the group leaders of our semester long social media project. This was so helpful for me as I am the group leader for the GlowGo5k (@GlowGo5k) event that will be hitting Louisville this summer! And Amanda Roberson (@amandaroberson) who is a paid blogger. Her blog "8 Louisville Restaurants for Your 2014 Bucket List" received over 78,000 views!

Take Away Points:

1. Manage your online social presence
2. Think before you tweet (or post on any social media platform for that matter)
3. You get out what you put in (this can be applied to anything in life, but for communication majors specifically you have to put some serious work in if you want to be taken seriously)
4. Utilize LinkedIn (it's basically an online resume and great place to make connections)
5. Be sure to educate yourself as well as learn from others & experience

I'll end on that note with a positive quote! (by the way there are plenty more of those to come from this Pinterest junkie)


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